Auto insurance is not one size fits all. Every customer has different needs and finding the perfect fit is what good auto insurance agents will do. Auto insurance is basically three types of different coverage, liability, collision and comprehensive. While liability and collision are pretty much exactly what they sound like, comprehensive is a type of insurance that is confusing and often misunderstood. At All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL, we understand all facets of auto insurance and we are ready to help you to understand comprehensive coverage and whether it is something that you need.
Comprehensive auto insurance is not all-encompassing even though that is what the name implies. It is also known as non-collision insurance. It covers damage that happens to your vehicle that is beyond your control. When storms rage across your area, they may drop hail that can cause major damage to your vehicle. Strong winds cause branches to fall from trees and land on your vehicle. You have no control over the weather. If your vehicle is vandalized or stolen, it is comprehensive auto insurance that will help you to repair or replace it.
Another danger in many places is large animals running into the road and causing massive damage to vehicles. A deer can result in the total loss of a vehicle depending on the size of the vehicle. Glass coverage is also usually part of comprehensive auto insurance.
When you are ready to discuss your auto insurance needs, we are here for you. You can use our online rating tool or give us a call at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL to make an appointment to sit down with a knowledgeable member of our team. We will listen to your concerns and give you the answers that you need and want.