Will Hurricanes Impact my Auto Insurance Rates?

Florida may be the Sunshine State, but all sunshine makes a desert, and Florida is no desert. Florida is often besieged by hurricanes. Hurricanes can do significant damage to all manner of property. But for now, let’s focus on how hurricane damage can impact your auto insurance rates.

Your Premium May Likely Increase

For several reasons, you may see an uptick in your car insurance premiums after a hurricane. This is especially true if you file a comprehensive claim after a hurricane. A collision claim will be significantly more impactful than a comprehensive claim. You could see your premiums increase by $120 a year on comprehensive insurance claims. Of course, this is just an average and can fluctuate over the years. However, do keep in mind that when you consider how destructive hurricanes are on the whole, this increase is negligible compared to possible out-of-pocket expenses you might face. The best opportunity for shopping for car insurance is when a comprehensive claim or a rate revision affects your premiums. The intelligent thing to do would be to get comprehensive coverage on your vehicle before a hurricane strikes. Many insurance companies will put a binding restriction on areas as a storm approaches, so get a jump on it.

Contact All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL

If you are in the Palm Coast, FL area and would like to insure your vehicle before the next hurricane, please contact us at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School. Our helpful, knowledgeable, and courteous agents will talk you through the process and help you find the insurance policy that best suits you and your unique needs.