Every driver is required by law to carry automobile insurance. However, some people get behind the wheel without it, and that may become your problem if you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage. Getting into an accident is traumatic enough without worrying whether anyone who hits you has insurance. The great news is, with the right coverage, this doesn’t have to be a problem for you. All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School can help you obtain the coverage you need in West Palm, FL. In the meantime, here’s some important information on uninsured motorist coverage.
Uninsured Motorists
Uninsured motorist coverage protects you against other drivers with no insurance. In the event of an accident, it pays for your property damage and injury caused by an uninsured driver. These drivers lack liability coverage, so you have to pay the costs you incur on your own either out-of-pocket or through your insurance. This type of insurance typically also protects you against underinsured motorists as well.
What’s Covered?
When you purchase uninsured motorist coverage, you receive protection against this risk. The coverage pays for expenses incurred in you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have liability coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage kicks in if the other driver has liability coverage, but has less coverage than you. For insured drivers, when an accident is the other driver’s fault, their insurance covers your damages. Of course, if the other driver has no insurance, then you are left holding the bag.
Talk to your agent at Insurance Agency & Traffic School. Set up an appointment to discuss all your insurance need and to get a quote that includes uninsured motorist coverage in West Palm, FL.