Is the Flood Water Really Rising Across America?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the governmental agency responsible for maintaining and updating the floodplain maps that are used across America to determine the areas that are in flood zones.

In the areas that are officially flood zones, which have a high risk of flooding, mortgage lenders and government-backed FHA loan programs require that a homeowner carry flood insurance. Your agent at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School serving the Palm Coast, FL area can help you get flood insurance, which meets these requirements. The problem is that these flood zones are no longer accurate.

In recent years, flooding occurred in many parts of the U.S. that had never seen any flooding like that before. Homes that were many miles outside flood zones were awash with water when river banks overflowed in record amounts during the past few years.

Many 500-Year Floods in a Few Years

All of this record flooding is due to the severe weather pattern changes that are happening. How bad is it?

FEMA has the designations on the flood zone maps of 100-year flood zones and 500-year flood zones. In a 100-year flood zone, there is one chance in a hundred (1%) each year of having a flood. In a 500-year zone, which has no requirement to carry flood insurance, there is only a 0.2% chance of having a flood each year. Sounds safe from floods, right?

Houston had three 500-year floods within three years. That is one 500-year flood each year. Homes that never had seen flood waters got hit by them for the first time, and then it happened again and again. Is that bad luck? Probably not. It likely means the maps are no longer useful in predicting flooding.


The message to everyone in Florida is that you need flood insurance for your home. Even if your mortgage lender does not require it, you probably should have it anyway.

Contact your agent at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL to get a quote for flood insurance.

Do You Really Need a Home Inventory?

Whether you’re a homeowner or renter, you probably have valuable goods that need insurance protection. A home inventory will provide you with an accurate account of all your assets and their value to help you select the home insurance coverage you need. At All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL, we recommend that all Flagler County homeowners and renters create a home inventory of their possessions for insurance purposes. Here’s how a home inventory can benefit you. 

Proof of Ownership & Property Value

A home inventory that lists all the items you own and documents their value can be used as proof of ownership when making a claim. If you were to lose all your possessions in a major disaster, your home inventory would make it easier to recuperate your losses per your insurance coverage.

Accuracy in Insurance Protection

A home inventory will help you obtain proper insurance protection for your goods. Standard home insurance offers protection for personal property along with dwelling and liability coverage. The amount of property coverage you choose depends on the value of your goods. Having a complete list of your goods enables you to choose accurate coverage to meet your needs.

Facilitate Claims Process

Documenting your personal goods will make it much easier to make a claim when you need it. Your home inventory should include a description, photos, or videos of your goods, particularly high-end items. If these items are stolen, damaged, or lost in a covered peril, you’ll have the information you need on hand to expedite your claim. By maintaining an up-to-date home inventory, you can be prepared for any eventuality.

For help in making a home inventory or to learn more about home insurance coverage and costs, call or visit All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL.

What Is Flood Insurance and Why Do I need It?

If you are a Florida resident, then you’ve likely heard of flood insurance, but whether or not you are required to have it largely depends on what flood zone your home lies in. Whether you are in Palm Coast, FL or the Florida Keys, flood insurance is a reality in the state.

What is Flood Insurance?

Flood Insurance covers homes for losses due to water damage and specifically flooding. While any dwelling can be covered by additional flood insurance, the Federal Emergency Management Agency maps flood zones throughout the country to determine what areas are at the highest risk of damage from floods. They require flood insurance to be purchased at the time of a mortgage issuance. 

Is Flood Insurance Required in Florida?

If the flood zone maps from FEMA indicate that your home is located in a flood zone designated with an A or V, you will likely need to purchase flood insurance. However, homes in an X, C, or B flood zone are at a lower risk of flooding and may not be required to have additional coverage. However, even for Florida homes where flood insurance is not required, it may not be a bad idea to at least explore your coverage options. Talking through your options with a qualified insurance company like All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL will help you make an educated decision. 

How Much Does Flood Insurance Cost?

The pricing of the policy is mostly determined by the zone in which the property resides. It also includes other factors like the number of floors and the age of the home. At All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School, we’ll work with you to shop for the best rate that fits your needs.



First Time Homeowners: Planning Your New Home Purchase

Homeownership is one of the most celebrated of real estate achievements, and first-time homebuyers have good reasons to be pleased with their planning. Getting through the process can be simplified with a few planning steps including insurance. Paperwork for the real estate part of the process often includes a purchase contract along with the start of paperwork being processed at a title company. This also may be an excellent time to get additional information for home insurance. All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School is available to answer questions about home insurance and any other types of coverage options. Serving the Palm Coast, FL area, the trained staff from this agency is experienced working with homeowners and first-time buyers.

In addition to the paperwork that is needed for the real estate purchase, many first-time homebuyers understand that they can begin planning and coordinating for the moving process. This includes moving furniture, household items, and anything else that will be transported to the new property. Other planning steps can be more manageable with an estimated date for closing on the home and the best estimates for moving into the house. Having good contacts throughout this process is helpful.

All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School has a friendly staff waiting to help you with the planning for your new home purchase and the insurance part of the process. The opportunities for homeowners throughout Palm Coast, FL, and Flagler County are essential for many people, and experience is helpful in the process of acquiring your new home. You can visit our office or contact us with any questions you may have about the planning. Call our agency today for more information, and congratulations on planning your new home purchase.


Do I Really Need Auto Insurance if I have an Old Car?

Many of us drive old cars that may no longer have much monetary value. This may lead many of us to question whether or not we need to carry insurance on an old car. Of course, the answer is "yes." However, more importantly, the question is how much and what type. Car insurance is a necessity for most cars regardless of where you live. However, the right conversation with an insurance agent is probably all you need to determine the best type of coverage for your car. 

The Law and Car Insurance

The law requires all car owners to carry liability insurance. This insurance is the minimal insurance required because it takes care of any liability you may have if you cause damage to another person’s car or injury to others as a result of a car accident. This is why most states require liability insurance which covers both bodily injury and property damage insurance. However, you can also invest in comprehensive and collision insurance to protect your car as well. However, there are guidelines to consider before you invest in more insurance.

How Much Insurance is Enough?

Most car owners wonder just how much insurance they truly need to protect themselves, their vehicle, and other people and their vehicles. The answer is fairly simple. If you’re financing a car, most lenders will require that you carry full insurance on your car. This ensures that they will be reimbursed should anything happen to your car while you’re still paying on it. However, even people who aren’t financing their car invest in liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance. Full comprehensive and collision insurance will pay for any car repairs that result from a collision or an accident. However, collision and comprehensive is only a wise investment if the full value of your car is more than ten percent of your deductible. If it’s not, you are probably paying too much for car insurance primarily because the repairs could exceed the value of the car which means that the insurance company wouldn’t pay for the repairs.

All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School of Palm Coast FL understands that car insurance can be confusing when it comes to deciding how much you need and what type will be best for you. However, these agents are committed to helping you select the best coverage for your car and your unique situation. Give All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School so that we can find the best policy for you. 


Is Flood Insurance Still Necessary Even If The Home Is Outside Of Any Flood Zones?

When you live in Flagler County, you know that a little bit of rain can cause big problems when it comes to flooding. Even if you don’t live right on the water, you may experience significant amounts of water around your home. This is when it’s important to determine whether flood insurance is necessary or not. Rather than trying to make decisions on your own, you can work with us at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School in Palm Coast, FL.

FEMA Flood Zones

The first thing you want to do is find out whether you are in a FEMA-identified flood zone. These zones can change from year to year based on where flooding occurs. If you are in one of the zones, flood insurance is required above and beyond your homeowner’s insurance policy.

However, even if you aren’t in a flood zone, it may still be a good idea for you to have flood insurance.

Consider Flood Damage

If you live in a neighborhood where there is a significant amount of flooding, either due to grading or drainage issues, you need to be realistic about whether you need flood insurance or not. After a few days of rain, you may have a significant amount of water around your home. Some of this water can enter your home, too, causing serious water damage.

When you have flood insurance in place, it’s easier to file a claim. This way, you aren’t financially responsible for any water damage. Your homeowner’s insurance policy may even require you to have flood damage if you live in an area where a number of people have had to file claims in the past.

Contact us at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School today to learn more about flood insurance. We can help you get a policy that you can rely on in Palm Coast, FL.


Does your home insurance cover tornadoes and hurricanes?

You live in beautiful Palm Coast, FL and, as such, must prepare for the possibility of tornadoes and hurricanes. You can and should have a family plan in place to ensure that everyone is safe and ready to move forward together after a tornado or hurricane. What happens, though, when your home is destroyed by the natural disaster? Does your insurance plan cover tornadoes and hurricanes?

It certainly is bad timing to inquire about your assurance plan’s coverages when tragedy strikes. The agents at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School can help you understand the basics of home insurance today so that you know for sure that you have the right protection when the unthinkable becomes your reality. Read on to learn about tornado and hurricane coverage for homeowners in Palm Coast, FL.

Does home insurance cover hurricanes and tornadoes?

Not all home insurance policies cover hurricanes and tornadoes. In fact, most standard policies leave out natural disasters because of the magnitude of the cost associated with such events. Some policies may compensate you for damages that a tornado causes to your home because of a stipulation in standard home insurance plans that make allowances for "wind damage" and "flood damage." It is important to note, though, that some assurance providers place limits on wind and flood damage, which means that you may not be able to claim significant damages on your policy under these terms. 

Additional Coverage

It is always a good idea to purchase additional coverage for hurricanes and tornadoes under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This program, which is supported by the federal government, ensures that those living in high-risk areas such as Florida receive compensation if their homes are destroyed by a hurricane or tornado. 

An agent at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School can help you find the home insurance plan that best suits your situation. Call them today to get started with a quote!

Preventing Drowsy Driving

Long summer road trips are fun for the whole family, but they often can be very tiring. If you’re setting out from Palm Coast, FL this summer, use these tips from All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School to avoid drowsy driving.

Some studies have indicated that 1 of every 25 adult drivers have dozed off while behind the wheel within the last 30 days. This statistic is frightening because even if one doesn’t fall asleep while driving, drowsy driving can make drivers less able to pay attention to road hazards, slow reaction time, and impair one’s ability to make good decisions. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration believes that in 2013, over 72,000 accidents and 800 deaths were due to someone driving while sleepy.  

Who Is at Risk for Drowsy Driving?

Certain categories of people are more likely to fall asleep while driving or drive while overly tired. These include people with sleep disorders, those who take medications with drowsiness as a side effect, those who work odd shifts, commercial drivers, and those who regularly do not get adequate sleep. Even if one believes that one can cope on five or six hours of sleep, the monotonous nature of driving can lead to drivers dozing while trying to operate a vehicle.

How to Tell if You’re Getting Too Tired to Drive

If you begin to experience the following, you may be getting too tired to drive:

  • Yawning frequently
  • Feeling like you can’t keep your eyes open
  • Being unable to recall anything that happened in the last few miles driven
  • Missing an exit or a turn
  • Struggling to stay in your lane

If these things start happening to you, you must take action. You can pull over in a safe area to rest for a few hours or you can take turns with another driver in the car. At the very least, stop for a break, get something to eat and drink, and walk around to awaken yourself. Even if it costs you some time on your trip, you owe it to yourself and other people on the road to stop driving while drowsy.

Preventing Drowsy Driving

To prevent drowsy driving, be sure that you get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Sleeping in one or two days a week can’t make up for a whole workweek of sleep deprivation.  You also should try to keep to a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up close to the same time every night and day, even if you’re on vacation. If you have medications that make you sleepy, take a bus or train until you and your doctor find a better solution to your medical issues. 

If you have questions about driving safety or car insurance in the Palm Coast, FL area, contact All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School today.



Why you need flood insurance, even if your home is not in a flood zone

If you live or do business in a flood zone, carrying flood insurance is a necessity. Some mortgage companies will require you to carry insurance against the horrific damage that a flood can cause.

However, All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School, serving Palm Coast, FL would like to suggest that even if you do not live or have a business in a flood zone, you might well want to consider carrying flood insurance anyway.

Leaving aside that our community faces the Atlantic and is thus a prime target for hurricanes, recent weather events have shown that, given the right conditions, a lot of places that were never considered to be in a flood zone can and do flood. The recent storms that have caused torrential flooding down the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers are a case in point. Given sufficient rainfall over a sufficient period of time, any community that is near a major river or close to the ocean can find its streets turned into rivers and its front yards turned into lakes.

Nothing can be compared to what Tropical Storm Harvey did to the city of Houston and surrounding areas in August 2017. The storm parked itself over southeast Texas and rained for days. As a result, a great American city became a lake, with impassable roads and homes and businesses that have never flooded in living memory suddenly inundated. The cost of damage and lives disrupted was beyond calculation.

If you have any questions concerning flood insurance, contact All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School, serving Palm Coast, FL

How does home insurance help a homeowner?

If you own a property in the Palm Coast, FL area, you will need to make sure that your property is properly covered. One of the best ways to do this today is by having a full home insurance policy in place at all times. Having a full home insurance policy in place at all times can help a homeowner a number of different ways. 

Protects Your Asset and Investment

Your home is not only the place where you will live, but it is also a very valuable asset and investment. Because of this, you will want to make sure that it is properly covered by insurance. When you have a home insurance policy in place, you will receive coverage for the building and property plus your personal belongings. In the event of a fire or other significant issue, this could prove to be extremely valuable and necessary. 

Gives Valuable Liability Protection

Another advantage of having a home insurance policy is that it can provide you with very valuable liability protection. As a homeowner, you are going to take on risk if someone comes to your property. If there is an accident that causes any type of damage to a guest, you could be found liable. The home insurance policy will protect against this.

There are many advantages that come with having home insurance in place on your Palm Coast, FL home. When you are looking for a new home insurance policy, you should reach out to the team at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School to learn more about your home insurance options. The insurance team at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School can help you to pick a policy that will provide you with the right level of coverage.